In contemporary times, I must admit my limitations. I must admit my irrectifiable ignorance of modern technology. I must admit my physical deterioration and my proficiency in forgetting. Do I thus, merit your pity? No, no, no. on the contrary, you rather deserve my pity. I’ve got some classic recollections to tell you. These insightful recollections and super-exciting moments will forever remain in my medulla oblongata. They all transpired in the 20th century. Those were the ‘gone-days’ when my white sparkling teeth remained intact, and I can twist my now fragile waist to James Brown’s ‘sexy machine’ without any kpo-kpla vibes from my muscles. Of course, those were the days when the kokrookoo of the domestic fowls wakes people up and not alarm clocks. Child, I want you to listen attentively as I share my 20th century experience with you.
In those days, medical institutions were very scarce, especially in African countries. Nonetheless, we never crave for such institutions. We relied on the services of indigenous waganga men (medicine men). And I dare not call that improvising. Because they were professional and rarely erred in the discharge of their duties. Against this backdrop, I was born at home. And I must say that I very proud to have alighted in this perishable existence that way. My late mother never underwent pre-natal and ante-natal care prior to my birth but that notwithstanding, she and I never felt sick, malnourished or whatever. You see, that’s why you must understand me when I say that I pity you, because you were born in a fine hospital with rigorous medical treatment here and there, but all the same, you were splashed with illness here and there. This is what I call inexplicable paradox.
The simple question is taking into consideration the grand advancement in medicinal technology, why are some diseases still persisting and new ones are gradually emerging. It appears as if a solution to one problem brings additional two problems. Child, with your 21st century knowledge, kindly liberate me from this confusion?
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