Saturday, June 19, 2010


The transition to adolescence comes with a lot of emotional developments, which if not properly controlled and handled, can lead to disaster. That particular stage beginning from 10 to 19 years comes with wet dreams, crazy interest in the opposite sex, desire to ‘pull the trigger’ or ‘receive the bullets’, etc. I hope you are not saying that i’m spoilt because you are the first spoilt folk if you got the meaning right. That’s just by the way. Though these occurrences are spontaneous (natural), it can be controlled if one truly wants to. The foremost stage of adolescence is puberty. Puberty is a stage of development in the reproductive organs. Of course, when I reached that stage, I stopped bathing outside! Puberty comes with what reproductive experts would call secondary sexual characteristics; in girls, the breasts enlarge, ovulation or menstruation begins, develop wider hips to tease and provoke the guys, and in the boys, there is growth of facial hair, production of sperms, etc. I remember way back in JHS, the class becomes full when we reach this particular topic and everybody begs the teacher implicitly, not to stop.

Failure to control these emotional and physical spontaneous developments can lead to teenage pregnancy, incessant abortions, and even rape. The unpalatable resultants are acquisition of STD’s, early parenting, and the other ones that many teachers would remain silent on, like poor or a disappointed performance on your honeymoon, especially the ladies. My grandma used to tell my female cousins, ‘keep it tight for your husband’. I now understand her. Quite a food for thought there. So, the question is how do we brace ourselves to handle these pulling feelings and unstoppable desires, which I believe is the most difficult examination one can hardly pass?

There is a need to strengthen education on our reproductive organs and its developments. Sometimes, it is ignorance and irrationality that makes people abuse their sensitive organs. Currently, in Britain, a government agency is advocating for an education system where children at the age of five would be taught all about sex. Sex education is very important and I think, it would help prevent many children from checking pornographic sites, reading porn magazines and even experimenting it. I don’t understand why we feel too shy to talk about this delicate issue. It’s like we treat sex like dirt in the open and when we get into our rooms, it becomes gold. Parents should even initiate conversations around those issues when they see the physical changes in their wards. This recommendation would be highly effective for those who currently reached the puberty stage.

Practically, we, adolescents can take certain measures that would enable us to weather the feeling. We must endeavour to share our feelings with trusted colleagues, even if possible, the opposite sexes. In writing this article, i’ve even initiated conversation around those often unspoken issues. This would help us to discuss and gain more insight into both our physical and emotional development. Let me tell you this, it was recently that I got to know that women become equally sexually aroused when they see guys half or completely naked. How did I get to know? Through a group discussion with the opposite sex. No wonder, most guys are now busy exposing their dirty boxers!

Moreover, one must read relevant literature that would enable you to better understand your feeling. I’m referring to literature that would broaden your understanding about physical and emotional changes you are undergoing and not books talking about sexual styles and positions, penis enlargement or vaginal lubricants, etc. Such things are unnecessary-stupid-carnal stuff.

Furthermore, avoid being alone with the opposite sex in a secluded area, lest you bumper-to-bumper. I thank God for certain vital moments in my life when I have no female around me (like there would’ve been a small fellowship). This would sound funny but i’m serious. At times, we feel like we can control ourselves, but I won’t advise such risks to be taken.

We must remember that certain things like sex, that grant instant satisfaction can bring everlasting repercussions if the right approach is not taken. I remember one author saying that sex in itself is not sin, it is the wrong application of it that makes it sin. Get married and you would even retire from it. End of lecture.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting dear,i'm all with u in this advocacy.keep the fire burning as u spread the news to others,specially those that are hungry and thirsty for them.lets work hard to librate our nation from the pit of desolution.that was a benevolent writeup.
