Saturday, June 12, 2010


This is the latest virtual discussion I had with Jesus concerning certain unpleasant accusations that has been labelled against him. It includes abuse of fundamental human rights and abuse of power against the people in his constituency (earth). As usual, ‘KD’ represents me whereas ‘JC’ represents Jesus. This interview was conducted on Wednesday, June 9th around 0200 GMT when I was fast asleep.

KD: it’s been a while since we met.

JC: oh yes. It would continuously be so if you refuse to pray.

KD: okay, let’s get to the bottom of issues. Your constituency members (humans) are raising some serious charges against you, some premised on the abuse of their human rights and that, you’ve also been arrogant, pompous in your small pair of shoes, and never fail to miss an opportunity to abuse your power. What’s your response to these pressing issues?

JC: As a competent interviewer, I was expecting you to clarify the issues and not pose them ambiguous like that.

KD: is your statement a pre-supposition that you don’t know what’s going your own constituency (earth)?

JC: of course, what’s their beef?

KD: with due respect sir, these are people you are responsible for and thus, I think it is highly expected of you to go to them and get to know their worries, problems, needs, and so on.

JC: are you insinuating that I never went to the people? That i’ve been irresponsible?

KD: no, not at all, I was just.........

JC: Hold on, hold on. Let me put you on the spot. Have you thoroughly read the universal and official document containing my history, life and achievements?

KD: You mean the Bible?

JC: Yes.

KD: I have. But ....okay. Let’s get to the issues, before you steal my job from me. One of their headaches is that you have this inexplicable manipulative power over their thoughts. They have it that you know what they think about, obviously everything. Isn’t this an intrusion on their privacy?

JC: And what’s the problem with that? Aren’t they my constituency members, after all?

KD: the fact is I somewhat empathize with them and understand their level of umcomfortability. I mean, you know who’s thinking of sex, robbery, murder, etc. Isn’t this serious?

JC: it becomes a problem if I stop them from carrying out their heart-bred intentions. But I don’t though I sometimes try to whisper to some, especially those with devilish and dirty thoughts to desist from materialising their thoughts. But I can’t understand why people are ambivalent to exceptional technologies.

KD: are you calling your action ‘exceptional technology’?

JC: You see, since I no longer have physical contact with my people, I designed this spiritual device called the ‘holy spirit’ to enable me have a fair idea of what goes on in my jurisdiction.

KD: so it’s some kind of spiritual satellite. Point well made. The second issue is why you always expect your people to come to you for solutions that you engage in some kind of armchair leadership. Before you answer that question we are going on a quick trivial break. We will be right back.

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KD: we are back. Thanks for staying. This interview is by kind courtesy of Abosam tso, ma tswa abosam tso kpoti. Sir, your response to the question I asked earlier.

JC: Ernest, you know something. All through my earthly life and even now, I cherish symbiotic relationship, give-and-take. Of the spiritual devices I invented, one of them was called ‘prayer’ and that one was meant for the people. With that technology, you can contact me in the bathroom, trotro, everywhere. You can take a horse to a stream but you cannot force it to drink.

KD: well, i’ve just received a text message from a listener. Her concern is that reading the Bible to her, is like walking in the depths of serious imperceptible’s too difficult for her to understand. What do you have to say to her?

JC: there are several translations of the Bible. We have the Goodnews version, King James version, Amplified version, etc. So, for now, she should get the one with simple constructions. Hey Ernest, stop thinking about her and concentrate on the interview.

KD: please don’t start with me I beg, i’m a public material. On this note, we draw the curtains. Catch you some other time. Be good and stand firm for God. I’ve signed out.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodnews that is a brillliant piece of art.Any way it would have been appropriate if u had allowed JC to start with u.I hope u are not trying to be like those politicians we always hear of.
    I was at ur university yesterday and nothing have actually changed though albeit,the jcr is unda expansion and there is now easy identification.since always every place have bin labelled.
    take cae though.
